作成するクラス全体の設計は、№2. Excel将棋:クラスの設計、こちらを参照してください。
cls位置 → g位置
Function NewPos(Optional ByVal arg行 As Variant, _
Optional ByVal arg列 As Variant) As g位置
Dim obj位置 As New g位置
If Not (IsMissing(arg行) Or IsMissing(arg列)) Then
obj位置.行 = arg行
obj位置.列 = arg列
End If
Set NewPos = obj位置
End Function
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute NewPos.VB_Description = "クラスの既定のメンバー"
Attribute NewPos.VB_UserMemId = 0
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "g位置"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Public 行 As Integer
Public 列 As Integer
Function NewPos(Optional ByVal arg行 As Variant, _
Optional ByVal arg列 As Variant) As cls位置
Attribute NewPos.VB_Description = "クラスの既定のメンバー"
Attribute NewPos.VB_UserMemId = 0
Dim obj位置 As New g位置
If Not (IsMissing(arg行) Or IsMissing(arg列)) Then
obj位置.行 = arg行
obj位置.列 = arg列
End If
Set NewPos = obj位置
End Function
Dim obj位置 As New cls位置
obj位置.行 = arg行
obj位置.列 = arg列
Set Me.駒位置 = obj位置
Set Me.駒位置 = g位置(arg行, arg列)
Option Explicit
Private p正式名称 As String
Private p表示名称 As String
Private p成駒名称 As String
Private p表示順 As Integer
Private p先手 As Boolean
Private p成り As Boolean
Private p駒位置 As g位置
Private p駒移動() As cls移動
Private p成駒移動() As cls移動
' 駒の名称や動きの定義
Private Const cns王将定義 As String = "王将,玉, ,0"
Private Const cns飛車定義 As String = "飛車,飛,龍,1"
Private Const cns角行定義 As String = "角行,角, ,2"
Private Const cns金将定義 As String = "金将,金, ,3"
Private Const cns銀将定義 As String = "銀将,銀,全,4"
Private Const cns桂馬定義 As String = "桂馬,桂,圭,5"
Private Const cns香車定義 As String = "香車,香,杏,6"
Private Const cns歩兵定義 As String = "歩兵,歩,と,7"
Private Const cns王将移動 As String = "-1,-1, 1;" & _
"-1, 0, 1;" & _
"-1, 1, 1;" & _
" 0,-1, 1;" & _
" 0, 1, 1;" & _
" 1,-1, 1;" & _
" 1, 0, 1;" & _
" 1, 1, 1;"
Private Const cns飛車移動 As String = "-1, 0, 8;" & _
" 1, 0, 8;" & _
" 0,-1, 8;" & _
" 0, 1, 8;"
Private Const cns龍王移動 As String = "-1, 0, 8;" & _
" 1, 0, 8;" & _
" 0,-1, 8;" & _
" 0, 1, 8;" & _
"-1,-1, 1;" & _
"-1, 1, 1;" & _
" 1,-1, 1;" & _
" 1, 1, 1;"
Private Const cns角行移動 As String = "-1,-1, 8;" & _
"-1, 1, 8;" & _
" 1,-1, 8;" & _
" 1, 1, 8;"
Private Const cns龍馬移動 As String = "-1,-1, 8;" & _
"-1, 1, 8;" & _
" 1,-1, 8;" & _
" 1, 1, 8;" & _
"-1,-1, 1;" & _
"-1, 1, 1;" & _
" 1,-1, 1;" & _
" 1, 1, 1;"
Private Const cns金将移動 As String = "-1,-1, 1;" & _
"-1, 0, 1;" & _
"-1, 1, 1;" & _
" 0,-1, 1;" & _
" 0, 1, 1;" & _
" 1, 0, 1;"
Private Const cns銀将移動 As String = "-1,-1, 1;" & _
"-1, 0, 1;" & _
"-1, 1, 1;" & _
" 1,-1, 1;" & _
" 1, 1, 1;"
Private Const cns桂馬移動 As String = "-2,-1, 1;" & _
"-2, 1, 1;"
Private Const cns香車移動 As String = "-1, 0, 8;"
Private Const cns歩兵移動 As String = "-1,-1, 1;"
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set p駒位置 = g位置()
End Sub
' 公開プロパティ
Public Property Let 正式名称(ByVal Value As String)
p正式名称 = Value
End Property
Public Property Get 正式名称() As String
正式名称 = p正式名称
End Property
Public Property Let 表示名称(ByVal Value As String)
p表示名称 = Value
End Property
Public Property Get 表示名称() As String
表示名称 = IIf(Me.成り, p成駒名称, p表示名称)
End Property
Public Property Let 成駒名称(ByVal Value As String)
p成駒名称 = Value
End Property
Public Property Get 成駒名称() As String
成駒名称 = p成駒名称
End Property
Public Property Let 表示順(ByVal Value As String)
p表示順 = Value
End Property
Public Property Get 表示順() As String
表示順 = p表示順
End Property
Public Property Let 駒移動(ByRef arg移動() As cls移動)
p駒移動 = arg移動
End Property
Public Property Get 駒移動() As cls移動()
駒移動 = p駒移動
End Property
Public Property Let 成駒移動(ByRef arg移動() As cls移動)
p成駒移動 = arg移動
End Property
Public Property Get 成駒移動() As cls移動()
成駒移動 = p成駒移動
End Property
Public Property Let 先手(ByVal Value As Boolean)
p先手 = Value
End Property
Public Property Get 先手() As Boolean
先手 = p先手
End Property
Public Property Let 成り(ByVal Value As Boolean)
p成り = Value
End Property
Public Property Get 成り() As Boolean
成り = p成り
End Property
Public Property Set 駒位置(ByVal arg駒位置 As g位置)
Set p駒位置 = arg駒位置
End Property
Public Property Get 駒位置() As g位置
Set 駒位置 = p駒位置
End Property
' 公開メソッド
Public Function 駒作成(ByVal arg名称 As String, _
ByVal arg先手 As Boolean, _
Optional ByVal arg位置 As g位置 = Nothing _
) As cls駒
Dim tmp定義 As String
Dim tmp移動 As String, tmp成移動 As String
Select Case arg名称
Case "王将", "玉将", "王", "玉"
tmp定義 = cns王将定義
tmp移動 = cns王将移動
tmp成移動 = "" '成れない
Case "飛車", "飛"
tmp定義 = cns飛車定義
tmp移動 = cns飛車移動
tmp成移動 = cns龍王移動
Case "角行", "角"
tmp定義 = cns角行定義
tmp移動 = cns角行移動
tmp成移動 = cns龍馬移動
Case "金将", "金"
tmp定義 = cns金将定義
tmp移動 = cns金将移動
tmp成移動 = "" '成れない
Case "銀将", "銀"
tmp定義 = cns銀将定義
tmp移動 = cns銀将移動
tmp成移動 = cns金将移動
Case "桂馬", "桂"
tmp定義 = cns桂馬定義
tmp移動 = cns桂馬移動
tmp成移動 = cns金将移動
Case "香車", "香"
tmp定義 = cns香車定義
tmp移動 = cns香車移動
tmp成移動 = cns金将移動
Case "歩兵", "歩"
tmp定義 = cns歩兵定義
tmp移動 = cns歩兵移動
tmp成移動 = cns金将移動
Case Else
Err.Raise 9999 '形式的に記述
End Select
Dim sSplit() As String
sSplit = Split(tmp定義, ",")
Me.正式名称 = sSplit(0)
Me.表示名称 = sSplit(1)
Me.成駒名称 = sSplit(2)
Me.表示順 = sSplit(3)
Me.駒移動 = 駒移動設定(tmp移動)
Me.成駒移動 = 駒移動設定(tmp成移動)
Me.先手 = arg先手
Set Me.駒位置 = arg位置
Set 駒作成 = Me
End Function
'Public Sub 駒位置設定(ByVal arg行 As Integer, _
' ByVal arg列 As Integer)
' Dim obj位置 As New g位置
' obj位置.行 = arg行
' obj位置.列 = arg列
' Set Me.駒位置 = obj位置
'End Sub
Public Function 駒移動可能位置(ary盤面) As Collection
Dim col位置 As New Collection
Dim tmp移動 As Variant 'For Eachで使用する都合でVariant
Dim tmp位置 As g位置
Dim i As Long
For Each tmp移動 In IIf(Me.成り, Me.成駒移動, Me.駒移動)
For i = 1 To tmp移動.回数
Set tmp位置 = g位置() '()は省略できない
tmp位置.行 = Me.駒位置.行 + (tmp移動.行 * i * IIf(Me.先手, 1, -1))
tmp位置.列 = Me.駒位置.列 + (tmp移動.列 * i * IIf(Me.先手, 1, -1))
If tmp位置.行 < LBound(ary盤面, 1) Or _
tmp位置.行 > UBound(ary盤面, 1) Or _
tmp位置.列 < LBound(ary盤面, 2) Or _
tmp位置.列 > UBound(ary盤面, 2) Then
Exit For
End If
If ary盤面(tmp位置.行, tmp位置.列) Is Nothing Then
col位置.Add tmp位置
If ary盤面(tmp位置.行, tmp位置.列).先手 <> Me.先手 Then
col位置.Add tmp位置
End If
Exit For
End If
Set 駒移動可能位置 = col位置
End Function
' 非公開メソッド
Private Function 駒移動設定(ByVal arg動き As String) As cls移動()
Dim ary移動() As cls移動
Dim tmp移動 As cls移動
Dim sSplit1() As String, sSplit2() As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
'行,列,回数;行,列,回数;・・・; 最後は;で終わる前提
sSplit1 = Split(arg動き, ";")
If UBound(sSplit1) < 0 Then Exit Function '成らない駒
ReDim ary移動(LBound(sSplit1) To UBound(sSplit1) - 1)
For i = LBound(sSplit1) To UBound(sSplit1) - 1
sSplit2 = Split(sSplit1(i), ",")
Set tmp移動 = New cls移動
tmp移動.行 = sSplit2(LBound(sSplit2) + 0)
tmp移動.列 = sSplit2(LBound(sSplit2) + 1)
tmp移動.回数 = sSplit2(LBound(sSplit2) + 2)
Set ary移動(i) = tmp移動
駒移動設定 = ary移動
End Function
Sub test1()
Const 先手 As Boolean = True
Const 後手 As Boolean = False
ReDim ary盤(1 To 9, 1 To 9) As cls駒
Call 着手(ary盤, g位置(5, 5), "飛車", 先手)
Call 着手(ary盤, g位置(7, 5), "金将", 先手)
Call 着手(ary盤, g位置(5, 8), "歩兵", 先手)
Call 着手(ary盤, g位置(9, 9), "香車", 先手)
Call 着手(ary盤, g位置(2, 5), "歩兵", 先手)
ary盤(2, 5).成り = True
Call 着手(ary盤, g位置(4, 4), "銀将", 後手)
Call 着手(ary盤, g位置(3, 5), "歩兵", 後手)
Call 着手(ary盤, g位置(2, 8), "角行", 後手)
Call Print盤(ary盤)
Debug.Print vbLf; ary盤(5, 5).表示名称 & "(5, 5)"
Call PrintArray(col位置2Array(ary盤(5, 5).駒移動可能位置(ary盤)))
Debug.Print vbLf; ary盤(2, 5).表示名称 & "(2, 5)"
Call PrintArray(col位置2Array(ary盤(2, 5).駒移動可能位置(ary盤)))
Debug.Print vbLf; ary盤(9, 9).表示名称 & "(9, 9)"
Call PrintArray(col位置2Array(ary盤(9, 9).駒移動可能位置(ary盤)))
Debug.Print vbLf; ary盤(2, 8).表示名称 & "(2, 8)"
Call PrintArray(col位置2Array(ary盤(2, 8).駒移動可能位置(ary盤)))
Debug.Print vbLf; ary盤(4, 4).表示名称 & "(4, 4)"
Call PrintArray(col位置2Array(ary盤(4, 4).駒移動可能位置(ary盤)))
End Sub
Private Function 着手(ByRef ary() As cls駒, _
ByVal arg位置 As g位置, _
ByVal 駒名 As String, _
ByVal 先手 As Boolean) As cls駒
Dim obj駒 As New cls駒
Call obj駒.駒作成(駒名, 先手, arg位置)
Set ary(arg位置.行, arg位置.列) = obj駒
'Set ary(行, 列) = obj駒.駒作成(駒名, 先手, 行, 列)
'Set ary(行, 列) = VBA.CVar(New cls駒).駒作成(駒名, 先手, 行, 列)
'Set ary(行, 列) = CallByName(New cls駒, "駒作成", VbMethod, 駒名, 先手, 行, 列)
End Function
Sub Print盤(ByRef ary盤() As cls駒, Optional separator As String = "")
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim sTemp As String, sPrint As String
For i = LBound(ary盤, 1) To UBound(ary盤, 1)
sPrint = ""
For j = LBound(ary盤, 2) To UBound(ary盤, 2)
If ary盤(i, j) Is Nothing Then
sTemp = "・ "
sTemp = ary盤(i, j).表示名称
sTemp = sTemp & IIf(ary盤(i, j).先手, "↑", "↓")
End If
sPrint = sPrint & sTemp & separator
Debug.Print sPrint
End Sub
Function col位置2Array(ByVal col位置 As Collection) As Variant
Dim ary(1 To 9, 1 To 9) As Integer
Dim obj位置 As g位置
For Each obj位置 In col位置
ary(obj位置.行, obj位置.列) = 1
col位置2Array = ary
End Function
Sub PrintArray(ByRef ary, Optional separator As String = "")
Dim i As Long, j As Long, str As String
For i = LBound(ary, 1) To UBound(ary, 1)
str = ""
For j = LBound(ary, 2) To UBound(ary, 2)
If j > LBound(ary, 2) Then str = str & separator
str = str & ary(i, j)
Debug.Print str
End Sub
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3.繰り返し処理(For Next)|VBA入門
10.条件分岐(Select Case)|VBA入門
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- マクロVBAサンプル集
- Excel将棋:位置クラスをデフォルトインスタンスに変更(№6)