Option Explicit
Private SuAry(1 To 10, 1 To 10) As String
Sub main()
Dim iR As Integer
Dim iC As Integer
For iR = 1 To 10
For iC = 1 To 10
With Cells(iR + 1, iC + 1)
If .Value = "" Or Not IsNumeric(.Value) Then
.Value = ""
.Font.Size = 9
.Font.Bold = False
.NumberFormat = "@"
SuAry(iR, iC) = ""
SuAry(iR, iC) = .Value
End If
End With
iR = 1
iC = 0
Call getStart(iR, iC)
If getAdvance(iR, iC, iR, iC, 0) = "完了" Then
Exit Do
End If
Range("B2:K11").Value = SuAry
End Sub
Private Function getAdvance(ByVal iR As Integer, ByVal iC As Integer, _
ByVal iR2 As Integer, ByVal iC2 As Integer, _
ByVal tryCnt As Integer) As String
Dim iR3 As Integer
Dim iC3 As Integer
Dim iR4 As Integer
Dim iC4 As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim rtn As String
Call getEnd(iR4, iC4, SuAry(iR, iC))
Select Case True
Case iR4 = iR2 - 1 And iC4 = iC2, _
iR4 = iR2 And iC4 = iC2 + 1, _
iR4 = iR2 + 1 And iC4 = iC2, _
iR4 = iR2 And iC4 = iC2 - 1
Call dispCell(True)
tryCnt = 0
If getStart(iR, iC) = False Then
getAdvance = "完了"
Exit Function
End If
rtn = getAdvance(iR, iC, iR, iC, tryCnt)
Select Case rtn
Case "完了"
getAdvance = "完了"
Exit Function
Case "終点"
getAdvance = "終点"
tryCnt = 0
If getStart(iR, iC) = False Then
getAdvance = "完了"
Exit Function
End If
Case "破綻"
getAdvance = "破綻"
Exit Function
End Select
End Select
For i = 1 To 4
Select Case True
Case iR4 > iR2 And iC4 > iC2
Select Case i
Case 1
iR3 = iR2 + 1
iC3 = iC2
Case 2
iR3 = iR2
iC3 = iC2 + 1
Case 3
iR3 = iR2 - 1
iC3 = iC2
Case 4
iR3 = iR2
iC3 = iC2 - 1
End Select
Case iR4 > iR2 And iC4 <= iC2
Select Case i
Case 1
iR3 = iR2 + 1
iC3 = iC2
Case 2
iR3 = iR2
iC3 = iC2 - 1
Case 3
iR3 = iR2
iC3 = iC2 + 1
Case 4
iR3 = iR2 - 1
iC3 = iC2
End Select
Case iR4 < iR2 And iC4 > iC2
Select Case i
Case 1
iR3 = iR2 - 1
iC3 = iC2
Case 2
iR3 = iR2
iC3 = iC2 + 1
Case 3
iR3 = iR2 + 1
iC3 = iC2
Case 4
iR3 = iR2
iC3 = iC2 - 1
End Select
Case iR4 = iR2 And iC4 > iC2
Select Case i
Case 1
iR3 = iR2
iC3 = iC2 + 1
Case 2
iR3 = iR2
iC3 = iC2 - 1
Case 3
iR3 = iR2 - 1
iC3 = iC2
Case 4
iR3 = iR2 + 1
iC3 = iC2
End Select
Case iR4 < iR2 And iC4 <= iC2
Select Case i
Case 1
iR3 = iR2 - 1
iC3 = iC2
Case 2
iR3 = iR2
iC3 = iC2 - 1
Case 3
iR3 = iR2 + 1
iC3 = iC2
Case 4
iR3 = iR2
iC3 = iC2 + 1
End Select
Case iR4 = iR2 And iC4 <= iC2
Select Case i
Case 1
iR3 = iR2
iC3 = iC2 - 1
Case 2
iR3 = iR2
iC3 = iC2 + 1
Case 3
iR3 = iR2 - 1
iC3 = iC2
Case 4
iR3 = iR2 + 1
iC3 = iC2
End Select
End Select
If iC3 >= 1 And iC3 <= 10 And iR3 >= 1 And iR3 <= 10 Then
If chkAdvance(iR3, iC3, SuAry(iR, iC)) = True Then
If SuAry(iR3, iC3) = "" Then
tryCnt = tryCnt + 1
Call dispCell(True, iR3, iC3, SuAry(iR, iC) & "-" & tryCnt)
rtn = getAdvance(iR, iC, iR3, iC3, tryCnt)
Select Case rtn
Case "完了"
getAdvance = "完了"
Exit Function
End Select
If Not IsNumeric(SuAry(iR3, iC3)) Then
tryCnt = tryCnt - 1
Call dispCell(True, iR3, iC3, "")
End If
End If
End If
End If
If IsNumeric(SuAry(iR2, iC2)) Then
getAdvance = "破綻"
tryCnt = tryCnt - 1
Call dispCell(True, iR2, iC2, "")
getAdvance = "別ルート探索"
End If
End Function
Private Function chkAdvance(ByVal iR As Integer, ByVal iC As Integer, ByVal i As Integer) As Boolean
Dim cnt As Integer
cnt = 0
If iR <> 1 And iC <> 1 Then
If InStr(SuAry(iR - 1, iC - 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR - 1, iC - 1) = CStr(i) Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
If InStr(SuAry(iR - 1, iC), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR - 1, iC) = CStr(i) Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
If InStr(SuAry(iR, iC - 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR, iC - 1) = CStr(i) Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
If cnt >= 3 Then
chkAdvance = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
cnt = 0
If iR <> 10 And iC <> 1 Then
If InStr(SuAry(iR + 1, iC - 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR + 1, iC - 1) = CStr(i) Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
If InStr(SuAry(iR + 1, iC), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR + 1, iC) = CStr(i) Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
If InStr(SuAry(iR, iC - 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR, iC - 1) = CStr(i) Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
If cnt >= 3 Then
chkAdvance = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
cnt = 0
If iR <> 1 And iC <> 10 Then
If InStr(SuAry(iR - 1, iC + 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR - 1, iC + 1) = CStr(i) Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
If InStr(SuAry(iR - 1, iC), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR - 1, iC) = CStr(i) Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
If InStr(SuAry(iR, iC + 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR, iC + 1) = CStr(i) Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
If cnt >= 3 Then
chkAdvance = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
cnt = 0
If iR <> 10 And iC <> 10 Then
If InStr(SuAry(iR + 1, iC + 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR + 1, iC + 1) = CStr(i) Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
If InStr(SuAry(iR + 1, iC), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR + 1, iC) = CStr(i) Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
If InStr(SuAry(iR, iC + 1), i & "-") > 0 Or SuAry(iR, iC + 1) = CStr(i) Then
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
If cnt >= 3 Then
chkAdvance = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
chkAdvance = True
End Function
Private Sub dispCell(ByVal blnDisp As Boolean, _
Optional ByVal iR As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal iC As Integer = 0, _
Optional ByVal dispStr As String = "")
If iR = 1 And iC = 9 And dispStr = "1-1" Then
End If
If iR <> 0 And iC <> 0 Then
SuAry(iR, iC) = dispStr
End If
If blnDisp = True Then
Range("B2:K11").Value = SuAry
End If
End Sub
Private Function getStart(ByRef iR As Integer, ByRef iC As Integer) As Boolean
iC = iC + 1
If RowColAjust(iR, iC) = False Then
getStart = False
Exit Function
End If
If IsNumeric(SuAry(iR, iC)) Then
If chkEnd(iR, iC) <> True Then
getStart = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
iC = iC + 1
If RowColAjust(iR, iC) = False Then
getStart = False
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Private Function RowColAjust(ByRef iR As Integer, ByRef iC As Integer) As Boolean
If iC > 10 Then
iR = iR + 1
iC = 1
End If
If iR > 10 Then
RowColAjust = False
Exit Function
End If
RowColAjust = True
End Function
Private Function chkEnd(ByVal iR As Integer, ByVal iC As Integer) As Boolean
Dim iR2 As Integer
Dim iC2 As Integer
Call getEnd(iR2, iC2, SuAry(iR, iC))
If iR2 = iR And iC2 = iC Then
chkEnd = True
chkEnd = False
End If
End Function
Private Sub getEnd(ByRef iR2 As Integer, ByRef iC2 As Integer, ByVal i As String)
iR2 = 10
iC2 = 10
If SuAry(iR2, iC2) = i Then
Exit Sub
End If
iC2 = iC2 - 1
If iC2 < 1 Then
iR2 = iR2 - 1
iC2 = 10
End If
If iR2 < 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
ナンバーリンク(パズル)を解くVBAに挑戦 : №1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6 №7 №8
新着記事NEW ・・・新着記事一覧を見る
アクセスランキング ・・・ ランキング一覧を見る
3.繰り返し処理(For Next)|VBA入門
10.条件分岐(Select Case)|VBA入門
- ホーム
- マクロVBA応用編
- マクロVBAサンプル集
- ナンバーリンク(パズル)を解くVBAに挑戦№3